Addressing unmet need by expanding access to safe second trimester medical abortion services in Ethiopia, 2010-2014

Edelman A

Alemayehu T

Gebrehiwot Y

Kidenemariam S

Getachew Y

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Feb 2015


Ethiopia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the world (676 per 100 000) [1], to which unsafe abortion contributes significantly [2]. To decrease the MMR, the Ethiopian abortion law was liberalized in 2005 and the Ministry of Health (FMOH) issued guidelines including the legal indications for abortion in the second trimester. Women may terminate pregnancies through 28 weeks of pregnancy for reasons of rape/incest, fetal anomaly, maternal physical or mental deficiency including being a minor, or endangerment of the life/health of the mother.